[pmwiki-users] How to wiki-ize this passage of html junk from Creative Commons
Rogutės Sparnuotos
rogutes at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 7 16:48:53 CDT 2011
Tamara Temple (2011-07-07 15:21):
> >All those funky attributes....
> >
> >I had originally put this in $HtmlFooterFmt['cclicense'] but I'm
> >moving to a wiki page for the footer.
> >
> Well, ok, you've got the rel attributes in the links. I could do
> that much. What about the other properties: xmlns:dc and property
> attrs in the span, xmlns:cc and property attrs in the second link,
> xmlns:dc attr in the third link?
Looks like you are approaching a conclusion -- PmWiki needs a recipe for
such Semantic attributes! :)
-- Rogutės Sparnuotos
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