[pmwiki-users] Howto go from PmWiki Demo Main.HomePage to BlogIt in 30 min?

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Mon Apr 6 18:09:20 CDT 2009

Tim wrote:
> I checked out the sample sites, downloaded the
> zips for pmforms and blogit, and edited the config.php file. Then I saw the part
> about only supporting a limited set of skins, 
BlogIt will work with any skin. However, some skins provide some extra 
visual candy that works with BlogIt -- things like formatting blog 
attributes like Author, Date,  Tags, etc.

> so I downloaded GlossyHue and 
> installed it, and changed the skin in config.php. That turned the Demo
> Main.HomePage into something not very readable. 
Not sure which page you're referring to here. In what way was it not 

> I edited the Main.HomePage and
> added your [[http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/BlogIt |Main Blog Summary
> Page]] suggestions but I don't see anything. 
Did you create any entries? What do you have as the main pagelist?

> My question is How do I go from a fresh PmWiki install to having some basic blog
> with blogIt in 30 minutes.
1] Follow steps 1-4 on the BlogIt page in the "Download and Install"
2] Add the markup in the section "Main Blog Summary Page", and change 
your sidebar with the "Blog SideBar" section.

Now create a blog entry by clicking the link on the sidebar. You can 
skip the sidebar step by simply visiting the "New Entry" page: 

If you can provide more specific information on what is failing, I can 
provide a little more guided assistance.

  ~ ~ Dave

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