[pmwiki-users] Diff/merge-friendly PageStore format (linebreaks)

Eemeli Aro eemeli at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 16:25:46 CDT 2008

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 11:07 PM, Peter & Melodye Bowers
<pbowers at pobox.com> wrote:
>  But a few months ago someone posted a script on this list that they used to
>  move page text into text files for shell-tool processing.  I just took a
>  quick look around to try to find it and couldn't lay hands on it, but
>  perhaps the original poster could repost?  Sorry for my inability to find
>  it...  It'd be a worthwhile thing to have on the pmwiki site as some kind of
>  administrative tool recipe...

One result of that discussion was this recipe:
<http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MarkdownOutput>. It'd be a bit
labour-intensive, but it might be a partial solution to what you're
looking for, as it generates a textual view of a page that maintains
some of the layout. So for comparing the contents of two wikilib.d
folders, something like the following process might work:

1. generate a list of all the files in said folder
2. make each item a URL reference to its corresponding markdown page,
ie. Site.Site becomes
3. wget all the items from that list for both wikilib.d folders (you
can redefine the WikiLibDirs array to do so, eg. by not including your
wiki.d folder)
4. diff the results


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