[pmwiki-users] bilingual
blues4u at supereva.it
Wed Feb 6 03:58:21 CST 2008
On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 10:24:04 +0200, Hans <design5 at softflow.co.uk> wrote:
> Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 12:32:29 AM, nikos roussos wrote:
>> what's the proper way to make a bilingual site with pmwiki using the
>> same
>> skin?
> I recommend putting different language sections in each page, and have
> one of them displayed, by user choice.
> I tried http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MultiLanguage
> which does exactly that,
> [...cut...]
> but i had problem with that recipe, especially using th elanguage
> conditional in the sidebar.
the last MultiLanguage version should not have problems with
the sidebar anymore, unless you found something new. If so,
please tell me what problem you have.
> So i use http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/ViewModes
> instead.
> [...cut...]
the MultiLanguage recipe offers some language-specific things that
ViewModes does not offer, for example:
- multi-language titles (also titled links work: [[MyPage|+]])
- multi-language pagelists (i.e. ability to search pages in a certain
- automatic language selection links
- possibility to fall-back to a default language when the user selected
language does not exists
- etc...
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