[pmwiki-users] proposed markup for rowspan in simple tables

Peter Bowers pbowers at pobox.com
Tue Aug 26 05:44:51 CDT 2008

I completely agree with John that we need to get a row-spanning markup
for simple tables decided.

I would cast my vote for 1 of these:

||text ||span rows +++||
||text ||
||text ||

||text ||span rows ///||
||text ||
||text ||

Both seem to be simple, both can be somewhat intuitive*, and as far as
I know neither conflicts with other markup...  Since John already had
a markup that followed roughly this style it seems that implementation
would be fairly straightforward.

Any possibility somebody could throw out an example of how it would
look spanning a row in an inner column?  Is this how it would look?

||text ||span rows ///||column 3||
||text ||column 3||
||text ||column 3||

Or would you leave a blank column like this?

||text ||span rows ///||column 3||
||text || ||column 3||
||text || ||column 3||

It's probably a dumb question if I knew the final resulting HTML
better, but I'm just trying to visualize it...


* The "+" can be thought of as "I'm adding the below rows to this
row".  The / can be seen as kind of pointing down and to the center of
the cell on the row below which will be spanned.

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