[pmwiki-users] registration form (side thread)

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Tue May 29 13:39:45 CDT 2007

On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 09:52:24AM -0700, Dr Fred C wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> > If you're the only person that will be reading or editing the
> > pages on the site, then you don't need to be using authuser.php.  
> > All you need in config.php is:
> >
> >     $DefaultPasswords['read'] = crypt('A_PASSWORD');
> Pardon for me also horning in on a topic of some interest...  For the 
> sake of illustration, assuming one has assigned an admin password in 
> local config, isn't it also possible to use Site.AuthList to set  read 
> and write options for entire wikis, as well as individual pages and 
> groups within a wiki? 

At present, no.  I've thought briefly about adding this, but then 
there's the issue of determining the relationship between sitewide
passwords set using $DefaultPasswords versus Site.AuthUser -- which
one takes precedence?  It's easier to just say that sitewide passwords
are always set by $DefaultPasswords in config.php .

> Looking around the corner for the next question/example request, how 
> might one set up AuthUser and Site.AuthList to allow anyone with a 
> password to edit the Calendar groups, while only allowing admins to edit 
> the group Rules, and only allow those with assigned passwords to read a 
> ListContact page? 

Assuming that you really do mean "password" here (i.e., shared
passwords) as opposed to "user account" (everyone has a unique login
id and password):

... allow anyone with a password to edit the Calendar group:
    1.  Navigate to .../pmwiki.php/Calendar/GroupAttributes?action=attr
    2.  Enter a password to be used in the "Set new edit password" field

... allow only admins to edit the group Rules:
    1.  Navigate to .../pmwiki.php/Rules/GroupAttributes?action=attr
    2.  Enter a password of "@lock" in the "Set new edit password" field

... allow only those with assigned passwords to read a ListContact page:
    1.  Navigate to the ListContact page with "?action=attr" on the end
    2.  Set the desired passowrds in the "Set new read password" field

If your question was intended to control access based on user
identities, as opposed to shared passwords, let me know and I'll
provide the details for that.  :-)


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