[pmwiki-users] Urgent: $DefaultPage stopped working ??
katir at hindu.org
Fri May 18 20:45:42 CDT 2007
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 09:58:27PM +1000, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
>> On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 12:57:18AM -1000, Sivakatirswami wrote:
>>> /seva/
>>> /local
>>> config.php
>>> for a field on the farm
>>> $WikiTitle = 'Himalayan Academy Dev Wiki';
>>> $DefaultPage ='HAP.SevaWikiHome';
>>> $PubDirUrl = $FarmPubDirUrl;
>> Hmmm. How early in your local/config.php file do you have $DefaultPage
>> defined? I gather it needs to be pretty early.
> The farmconfig.php (or something that it loads) may be
> calling ResolvePageName() to determine a pagename
> before $DefaultPage has been set.
Interesting: Here is the opening of my farmconfig.php file
$FarmPubDirUrl = 'http://wiki.hindu.org/pmwiki/pub';
## global passwords here snipped ###
$EnablePageListProtect = 0;
$DefaultPasswords['forms'] = 'nopass';
$Skin= 'fixflow';
$WikiDir = new PageStore('wiki.d/{$Group}/{$FullName}');
I note ZAP opens with:
### Main ZAP ENGINE ###
function ZAPengine() {
global $pagename, $ScriptUrl, $msg, $msg_form, $ZAParray, $PCache,
if (substr($Version, 0, 10) != "pmwiki-2.2") ZAPabort('version', "ZAP
requires a later version of PmWiki. Please upgrade to the latest beta.
Thank you! ");
$pagename = ResolvePageName($pagename); ## WOULD THIS ONE DO IT?? ###
$ZAParray = ZAPsecure();
Other peculiarities, possibly all related?
1) the PMwiki logo is appearing, everywhere, on all pages, in all fields,
right underneath the logo assigned in the local/config file that is
unique to each field.
2) the wsplus recipe for outlines is not working as expected...almost as
if there is something that
is "monkeying" with the path to /pmwiki/pub/wsplus/ ??
# fruits
## oranges
## apples
# animals
## cats
## dogs
1. fruits
1. oranges
2. apples
2. animals
1. cats
2. dogs
Instead of the expected
1. fruits
A. oranges
B. apples
2. animals
A. cats
B. dogs
Om shanti
(In Peace)
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