[pmwiki-users] PmWiki on IIS on W2003
s-i-m-o-n at paradise.net.nz
Mon May 7 01:09:45 CDT 2007
Thanks for the response.
I'm doing this on a Windows 2003 Server with SP1 in a corporate environment.
So CHMOD isn't applicable.
I've given the directory security permissions for the local IUSR_ but to
no apparent avail.
(oddly there used to be some hints for IIS install, but perhaps no one
else has problems, or not one else runs it under IIS, see
http://zodevga.anemalab.org/PmWikiFr/InstallationWin32 for example).
I agree you're right in suspecting that its the IIS that doesn't have
the correct permissions,
but our technical people haven't come across wikis and haven't come up
with anything yet.
Hence my question to the PmWiki community.
thanks again
Peter K.H. Gragert wrote:
> Hallo Simon,
> The wiki.d directory ‘must’ be writable (UNIX chmod 777) you have to
> persuade your system to allow, read write and execute of all files in
> and underneath it.
> I suppose IIS should be told to do so?
> Greetings
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