[pmwiki-users] experimental - pagelist conditionals
Vince Administration
vadmin at math.uconn.edu
Wed May 2 05:42:35 CDT 2007
I like it a lot, especially the example with $:Created which shows me
it does not need to be the
page name which is the date.
On May 1, 2007, at 11:58 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> I'm experimenting with a couple of new features, and looking
> for feedback.
> 1. Extension to (:if date ... :)
> Currently the 'date' conditional can only be used to test
> that the current time is in a range of dates. For example,
> to display some text only if the current date is between
> March 15 and May 2 inclusive, one can write:
> (:if date 2007-03-15..2007-05-02 :)
> I've added an extra parameter to the 'date' conditional,
> so that times other than the current time can be tested.
> For example, to check if the current page's name is
> in the month of May 2007, one can write:
> (:if date 2007-05-01..2007-05-31 {*$Name} :)
> Thus, this would evaluate to true for pages with names
> like "20070512" or "2007-05-31", but false for pages
> with names like "2007-04-30" or "2008-05-15".
> Also, date ranges now understand phrases like "today",
> "tomorrow", "now", etc.
> 2. if= option to (:pagelist:)
> I'm also looking at the possibility of adding a new
> if= option to pagelist. The contents of any if= option
> are treated as a conditional markup (same as the "(:if:)"
> directive) to be evaluated; only pages that evaluate
> to "true" are kept in the pagelist. Thus, combined with
> the above, one can write:
> (:pagelist if="date today.. {=$Name}" :)
> This returns a list of all pages with names that
> correspond to dates today or later. Some other
> examples that become possible with this:
> - Display all pages with names in the current month
> (:pagelist if="date {(ftime %Y-%m)} {=$Name}" :)
> - Display all pages in PITS that were created in 2006
> (:pagelist group=PITS $:Created=?* if="date 2006-01..2006-12
> {$:Created}" :)
> - Display only pages for which the visitor has edit permission
> (:pagelist if="auth edit {=$FullName}" :)
> Of course, using if= in (:pagelist:) will be somewhat
> more efficient than (:if:) conditionals in a pagelist
> template, and it also makes it easier to add count=
> and other conditions on the resulting list.
> Examples also appear at
> http://www.pmwiki.com/wiki/Test/PageListIf
> Comments welcomed.
> Pm
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