[pmwiki-users] Drafts, moderated wikis, and PITS 00755
design5 at softflow.co.uk
Sat Mar 31 16:25:02 CDT 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007, 9:27:37 PM, Patrick wrote:
> When drafts are enabled, the edit form has the following buttons
> [Publish] [Save draft] [Save draft and edit] [Preview] [Cancel]
> The "Publish" button always saves to the page without a -Draft suffix.
> The "Save draft" and "Save draft and edit" buttons always save to a
> page with the -Draft suffix.
I never used 'Drafts' before. It took a bit getting used to the
different behaviour: when opening the page I am actually opening a
-Draft page and not the page!
I am pleased how it works though. And I was amazed that the buttons
were all there using Triads custom edit form. Only the grey-out of the
publish button does not come across. How did you accomplish the
styling for that, Pm?
Then I got once more confused when setting and resetting the publish
password, as for the latter I was trying to do it for the -draft page
without realising it.
Anyway, so far my comments in the land of drafts. Not bad if you need
it. But more straightforward without.
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