[pmwiki-users] Firefox no? IE for you then!

Elton Lester elton.p.lester at transport.qld.gov.au
Mon Mar 12 18:34:32 CDT 2007

Stealth <Stealth <at> fireflyuk.net> writes:

> Hello Everyone.
>    i am wondering if it is possible to determin which browser is being 
> used easily? .
> i want it so that if the user has IE it will display one page, but if 
> its anything else its Firefox, or a selection on the index, which will 
> give you the option of going to the Firefox site or the IE site.
> i am using a dropdown menu which... sufficed to say, does not work in a 
> IE browser, but perfectly in firefox.
> any help is apreciated. thank you

I'm sounding like a confused Microsoft basher here but why are you 
creating a
site that only works in one browser?

There are plenty of free drop down menu's that work fine in all 
browsers out there. 

Check out :

There are even ones that 'degrade gracefully' so you might not 
get the full
functionality but it still works. 

Even if you ignore all of the above, if you are redirecting people 
to different pages you are making a lot of extra work for 
yourself by having separate areas for different users.


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