[pmwiki-users] Major revision to ZAP (based on PVT replace)...

The Editor editor at fast.st
Mon Mar 12 17:13:48 CDT 2007

On 3/12/07, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 12:59:58PM -0500, The Editor wrote:
> > As I'm in the process of doing a fairly major rewrite to how ZAP works
> > under the hood, and I'm extremely excited by the possibilities
> > suggested by Hans' new PVTreplace recipe (a Eureka moment), I'm
> > considering making my current rewrite even more radical...
> Just note that I'm expecting PmWiki to provide some form of
> text-replacement in the core, including replacement of page
> text variables.  It's all a part of dealing with ?action=insert,
> I'm still struggling with getting the permissions issues correct.
> Pm

Probably all the more reason to move ZAP this direction so it will be
ready to take full advantage of PmWiki's new core functions.  When
those functions do come out, it would be a simple question of
switching over.  Not so simple if everything is built on ZAP specific

But it can't get much better--Hans has it down to basically one
functional line (at least what I need).  Simpler is better!

And working more closely with PmWiki's core functions keeps the code
lighter and more dependable!  I'm pretty well decided to bite the
bullet and make the change...


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