[pmwiki-users] disabling standard markup etc.
s-i-m-o-n at paradise.net.nz
Mon Mar 12 01:23:05 CDT 2007
Well there is a lot of 'good stuff' in PmWiki.css,
and of course from time to time it gets updated.
This 'good stuff' provides the much of the basis for any skin,
so rather than maintain the whole thing myself I choose to include it
override it where necessary,
or remove (some) references to its classes from the template.
Hence I change, and recommend changing, the order of the two lines given
For this who are less familiar with CSS I think having PmWiki override
skin css, as it does in the default skin with
<link rel='stylesheet' href='$SkinDirUrl/pmwiki.css' type='text/css' />
is confusing.
I imagine that many people are happy with the general PmWiki layout -
and template,
and would just like to change a few colours, and similar - stuff that
could be done largely by CSS and configuration file,
without having to change the template at all,
if only these two lines were the correct way around.
PS thus to clarify
The order CSS is loaded should I think be (ie declared in the html page)
1) local in page CSS (which I believe should be reduced to a minimum by
being moved into css files)
2) the template CSS (pub/skins/myskin/pmwiki.css)
3) skin specific CSS
4) cookbook recipe specific CSS
5) the local css (pub/css/local.css)
Thus CSS from (5) overrides any earlier CSS etc.
That is more specific and local CSS overrides more general CSS
So rather than
Hans wrote:
> Thursday, March 8, 2007, 5:51:19 PM, Simon wrote:
>> To get your CSS to override existing CSS it will help if you change to,
>> as follows,
>> the order of these lines in your template.
>> <!--HeaderText-->
>> <link rel='stylesheet' href='$SkinDirUrl/pmwiki.css' type='text/css' />
>> This ensures that your skin CSS overrides the pmwiki css
>> I believe that this should be done in the standard release.
>> The order CSS is processed should I think be
>> 1) local in page CSS (which I believe should be reduced to a minimum -
>> moved into css files)
>> 2) the template CSS (pub/skins/myskin/pmwiki.css)
>> 3) skin specific CSS
>> 4) cookbook recipe specific CSS
>> 5) pub/css/local.css
> If you are changing the skin template, I suggest you read
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SkinGuidelines#CSS
> We had a long discussion a while ago about this, and the result was
> the order of css loads outlined on the page above.
> In particular skin css overrides recipe css, and local css overrides
> skin css. PmWiki core css should be loaded first, so it can be
> overidden by any subsequent customisation (recipes, skin, local
> admin).
> I don't understand why you want to load pmwiki.css at all, unless you
> use the pmwiki skin. The pmwiki core css styles are loaded by pmwiki
> in any case. These are styles which are important for functional
> display. The styles from pmwiki.css should be handled/replaced as
> suited by the skin.
> Hans
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