[pmwiki-users] Authentication Markup for Site Explorer from Yahoo! Search.

Aleksander Czaszynski aczaszyn at telus.net
Sat Mar 10 15:08:17 CST 2007

Patrick R. Michaud and PMWiki admin person

Is it possible to add to pmwiki cookbook the following page as below?
And also is it possible to add in the next release the markup y_key to 
stdmarkup.php file like I added it below?

* This receipt will allow  pmwiki user to register his/her site with Yahoo! 
Search engine. User can learn as well how his/her site is doing on Yahoo! 

!!! Authentication Markup  for Site Explorer from Yahoo! Search.

* Go to the Yahoo site ''' https://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/mysites '''
* Add your wiki page eg: 
'''http://www.exploreluxury.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Luxury/Cars '''
* Select authentication and go to '''To add a META tag to your home page''' 
* Copy  Meta tag [@ <META name="y_key" content="79f02a6cbb6e109e" /> @] and 
paste into your wiki page as [@ (:y_key 79f02a6cbb6e109e:) @]
* Update '''stdmarkup.php''' script file by adding the following 
'''y_key''' [@
## (:keywords:), (:description:), (:y_key)                             <-- add 
Markup('y_key', '>&',                                                  <-- new
  "/\\(:y_key?\\s+(.+?):\\)/ei",                                       <-- new
  "PZZ(SetProperty(\$pagename, 'y_key', PSS('$1'), ', '))");           <-- new
Markup('keywords', '>&', 
  "PZZ(SetProperty(\$pagename, 'keywords', PSS('$1'), ', '))");
Markup('description', '>&',
  "PZZ(SetProperty(\$pagename, 'description', PSS('$1'), '\n'))");
$HTMLHeaderFmt['meta'] = 'function:PrintMetaTags';
function PrintMetaTags($pagename, $args) {
  global $PCache;
  foreach(array('keywords', 'description','y_key') as $n) {              <-- 
add y_key
    foreach((array)@$PCache[$pagename]["=p_$n"] as $v) {
      $v = str_replace("'", '&#039;', $v);
      print "<meta name='$n' content='$v' />\n";

* At this point go back to Yahoo site and press '''Ready to Authenticate''' 
* Your site will be authenticated. You need to wait for robot to go to your 
site and verify your page.
* You also can check your page source code as you should find the line [@ 
<meta name='y_key' content='79f02a6cbb6e109e ' /> @]
* You can autenticate as many pages as you want  but you need to change the 
y_key for each page.

* I tried it on pmwiki-2.2.0-beta30  and it works.
* see example in my souce code  

Aleks Czaszynski
aczaszyn at telus.net

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