[pmwiki-users] List of Designers for Hire who use PmWiki
Tegan Dowling
tmdowling at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 09:12:26 CST 2007
On 3/9/07, Sandy <sandy at onebit.ca> wrote:
> Extracts from a hobby newsgroup:
> A: You put your illustrated story up in Word format. I can't read it.
> B: Oh, is Word format bad? It's the only way I could think of.
> B: I'm so excited! I've hired a professional to design my new site! Will
> I still have to learn HTML to put up my illustrated story?
> (Her current site a paid Yahoo site.)
> Anyone else out there biting their tongue?
> Of course, I wanted to tell her, too late, "Contact one of the people on
> the PmWiki list."
> Is it worth (or advisable) to have a page on PmWiki.org of people who
> create PmWiki sites for others?
> Brainstorm of what to include:
> * size and price (range). Do you prefer small hobby sites or
> multi-nationals?
> ** include 1 year domain reg & hosting? Hobbiests don't know to ask.
> * link to own site and portfolio
> * usual fine print about PmWiki not actually approving any of these
> desginers.
Is "designers" the best term for this? When I see "designers", I
think of graphic designers first. Of course, I don't know what would
be better - I often use "web developer", but I suppose that can be
misunderstood, too. wiki developers?
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