[pmwiki-users] Del.icio.us

Jon Haupt jhaupt at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 10:24:23 CST 2007

On 3/8/07, Mark Trumpold <mark at ruthtrumpold.id.au> wrote:
> Yep that's kind of what I would like. I am happy with the recipe that I got
> from you I would like just the tag, where do I adjust that
> Mark

The del.icio.us tagometer is unadjustable in this way, since it's just
a script on the del.icio.us web site. if all you want is just the link
with the little del.icio.us logo, I think this technically works if
you upload the image:

[[http://del.icio.us/post?url={*$PageUrl}&amp;title={*$Title} |
Attach:delicious.png"Post to Del.icio.us"]]

Though there are a few problems--first of all, the title will not be
spaced (or plussed) and second, I think the Url is supposed to use
%2F, etc., instead of real slashes.  But the link will work, so it's a
temporary solution.


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