[pmwiki-users] Local notify list (Was: Hierarchical Notify Lists)

christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 04:24:28 CST 2007

Dan's post reminded me about something I've wondered about.

Let's assume the wiki is used so that different groups of people work with 
different groups of pages (the groups are sort of independent wikis, as 
per the original purpose of wiki groups).

Now say that we'd like authors for a certain group, GrpA, be able to 
control who gets notified about changes to pages within group A. 
Similarly, authors of group B should be able to control who gets notified 
about changes within group B. However, authors of group A should not be 
able to modify the notification list for group B.

(With modify, I especially also think of being able to see their email 

How could this be achieved?

One solution I considered was if in addition to Site/NotifyList, the 
notify script checked the current group for a similar page. That similar 
page would only be allowed to *add* to the notification list for the 
current group.

Hopes this makes sense, I'm a bit tired today.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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