[pmwiki-users] Two versions of the sidebar

pmwiki at solidgone.com pmwiki at solidgone.com
Thu Feb 1 13:19:46 CST 2007

Excellent, that works perfectly, thanks. I added .nav p to so I don't display the menu headers, and also to display each sidebar menu section on a separate line.

My final thing is to add a conditional around the "edit sidebar" link. Is there a conditional for print mode?

Here's what I used:
/*Fat Erik's nav (adapted)*/

.nav p {display: none;}

.nav ul {
                list-style: none;
                margin:0; padding:0;
.nav ul li {
                display: inline;
                margin: 0; padding: 0;
.nav ul li a {
                padding:0 1px;

.nav ul li:before { content: "| "; }
.nav ul li:first-child:before { content: ""; }

.nav form { margin:0; display:inline}

/*IE workaround*/
/*All IE browsers*/
* html .nav ul li {
                border-right: 1px solid #999;
                padding: 0 0.3em 0 0.3em;
                margin: 0 -0.3em 0 0.3em;
/*Win IE browsers - hide from Mac IE\*/
* html .nav ul { height: 1%; float:right;}
* html .nav ul li {
                display: block;
                float: left;
/*End hide*/
/*Mac IE 5*/
* html .nav ul li:first-child { border-right: 0; }

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