[pmwiki-users] Clean URLs (Another question from the newbie)

Sameer Kumar skumar at eharch.com
Tue Dec 4 11:51:10 CST 2007

Following the directions in the clean URL cookbook I set up my .htaccess
file in /website as follows:

# Use mod_rewrite to enable "Clean URLs" for a PmWiki installation.
RewriteEngine On 
# The rewrite base will be the document root.
RewriteBase /website
# Send requests without parameters to pmwiki.php.
RewriteRule ^$           /singles/pmwiki.php  [L]
# Send requests for index.php to pmwiki.php .
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ /singles/pmwiki.php  [L]
# Don't rewrite requests for any files, directories, or symbolic
# links (shortcuts) that exist on the filesystem.
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l # Send requests to pmwiki.php,
appending the query string part.
RewriteRule ^([A-Z0-9\xa0-\xff].*)$ /singles/pmwiki.php?n=$1  [QSA,L]

I set up my /website/singles/local/config.php file as follows:

<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
## Use "Clean URLs".
$EnablePathInfo = 1;
$ScriptUrl = " http://localhost <http://localhost> ";
## more configuration settings...


I believe you want the RewriteBase to be the root as served rather than
the root as stored. Try "RewriteBase /" instead.

Note, the should also allow " http://localhost <http://localhost> "
without the "index.php" to bring up your site.

Also, for this to work your Apache server on the localhost must have
mod_rewrite activated. You might want to check to be sure this is the




I have exactly the same situation as Tom's description above and I have
the .htaccess file in my root directory. I have followed all the
instructions that I have found (my htaccess file looks exactly the same
as above) and can also confirm that mod_rewrite is also activated for my
Apache install.


However, I cannot get rid of a "?n=" from my URLs. For example, my URLs
read as:


instead of 


which I would prefer.


Would you have any ideas or suggestions regarding getting rid of the
"?n=" ?





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