[pmwiki-users] making brute force attacks more difficult #2

Thomas Bley thomas.bley at simple-groupware.de
Mon Aug 20 14:26:06 CDT 2007


I propose two things:
- bind the session to the remote ip address and the user agent
- restrict a login from a remote ip address if there are more than 5 bad
logins within the last 2 hours

What do you think ?


// tb begin
function getSessionIpAgent() {
   $ip = "";
   if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) $ip .= $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
   if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) $ip .= $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
   if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) $ip .=
   if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) $ip .=
   return $ip;

function badLogin() {
   $ipagent = sha1(getSessionIpAgent());
   $ipfile = "temp/_$ipagent";
   if (file_exists($ipfile) && filemtime($ipfile) < time()-7200)
   if ($fp = fopen($ipfile,'a')) {
// tb end

function SessionAuth($pagename, $auth = NULL) {
   global $AuthId, $AuthList, $AuthPw;
   static $called;

   if (!$auth && ($called > 1 || !@$_REQUEST[session_name()])) return;

   $sid = session_id();

   // tb begin
   $ipagent = sha1(getSessionIpAgent());
   if (!empty($_SESSION['authipagent']) && $_SESSION['authipagent'] !=
$ipagent) {
     echo 'Access denied. (ip, user agent mismatch)';
   $ipfile = "temp/_$ipagent";
   if (file_exists($ipfile) && filesize($ipfile) > 5 && 
filemtime($ipfile) >= time()-7200) {
     echo 'Access denied. (too many incorrect logins, please wait 2 hours)';
   $_SESSION['authipagent'] = $ipagent;
   // tb end

   foreach((array)$auth as $k => $v)
     if ($k) $_SESSION[$k] = (array)$v + (array)@$_SESSION[$k];

   if (!isset($AuthId)) $AuthId = @end($_SESSION['authid']);
   $AuthPw = array_keys((array)@$_SESSION['authpw']);
   $AuthList = array_merge($AuthList, (array)@$_SESSION['authlist']);
   if (!$sid) session_write_close();

function PmWikiAuth($pagename, $level, $authprompt=true, $since=0) {
   if (!$authprompt) return false;

   // tb begin
   if (!empty($_POST['authpw'])) badLogin();
   // tb end


Christophe David wrote:
> Looking at the logfiles I suspect someone is trying a brute force
> attack to get the admin password one of my PmWiki fields, sending many
> requests at a time and loading the server quite a lot.
> If I understand correctly, as $DefaultPasswords['admin']  is normally
> always defined, there is no need for an attacker to bother with the
> AuthUser or LDAP aspects.
> So trying SiteAdmin.Whatever?action=edit repeatedly with the HTTP POST
> method and setting the authpw variable to the guessed value should
> work if enough time is spent.
> I was wondering is it would not be a good idea to save the remote IP
> address and a timestamp for every failed authentication (ideally
> whatever the method used - AuthUSer, LDAP, etc.), and to deny access
> without any other control if the same address tried less than n
> seconds earlier.  This would make brute force attacks too long to be
> practical.
> Is there already something available or did someone alreday think
> about how to implement such a feature efficiently, if possible in a
> way that is independent of the authetication method ?
> Thank you in anticipation.
> Christophe
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