[pmwiki-users] ZAPForms: docs + future

Knut Alboldt pmwiki at alboldt.de
Sun Aug 12 05:50:53 CDT 2007

Hi !

I've created a file zapdocsnew.zip, where the groups of the ZAP pages 
are changed to ZAP* (i.e. added a Suffix ZAP to all groupnames) and the 
references are (hopefully all) changed accordingly.

I've uploaded this to the Cookbook.ZAPFormProcessor page.

Maybe the "pagelist group=Demo-etc"  have to be changed too ...

 > PmWiki, really someone with the expireddiff (?) recipe installed
 > should clean out all the page histories. I did a bunch of them
 > manually, but it wouldn't hurt to further trim down the download size.

I'll do that in the next time.

It's a pitty, Dan, that the support will for ZAP be ceased (I just 
started to implement several features using ZAP within our pmwiki).

Well, Dan mentioned, that the ZAP-Form-features will be included into 
the Pmwiki-Forms. Question to Patrick: is this already done or will it 
be ? And which features will be covered by pmwiki forms - which not ? So 
is the ZAPForm-recipe needed any longer or could this all be done with 
the core-pmwiki-functions ?

I think the ZAP-Form-Features are really good, but I wouldn't like to 
switch over to ZAPWiki (sorry Dan !), cause I've implemented a lot with 
Pmwiki I will not miss this. The question is, what has to be done to 
keep the ZAP-Form-Features running with future PMWiki-Versions ? And 
which ZAP-Form-Features are needed ?

If ZAPForms will not replacable by pmwiki-core-functionality, then I'd 
like to join ZAP-maintainance as far as my PHP-programming experience is 
good enough.

A question regarding the ZAP-docs is: how can the doku-pages be 
maintained ? If this is done by different people on a local site, we'll 
get synch errors. Is it possible to integrate the ZAP-groups with all 
pages into pmwiki.org ?

Possibly it's worth to set up an own ZAPForm-Recipe develoment pwmiki, 
where Doc-Pages, testpages and the code can be edited by maintainers ?

For all this it would be good if these two question could be answered:

1. can the ZAPForm-recipe-features be covered by the pmwiki form 
functions (already or in [near] future), i.e. do we need ZAPForm to work 
with Forms in PMwiki ? (I think Patrick would be the best who could 
answer this ?)

2. who is willing to maintain ZAPForm in the future ?
(I would like to join the group)

oh, maybe a very last question to Dan: would it be possible to get some 
start-support ?


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