[pmwiki-users] pmwiki upload 'world write' always set
Paul Carew
Paul.Carew at CloseReachCommunications.com
Wed Apr 25 16:13:19 CDT 2007
Hello everyone,
I have a hopefully quick question about file permissions for uploaded files.
We have a new server that we're bringing up that utilizes
CentOS release 4.4 (Final),
Apache 2,
PHP5 and
pmwiki 2.1.7
Essentially we have file uploads working, but they all get 'World' Write' permission.
I tried changing umask in pmwiki/pmwiki.php, but this didn't stop the problem.
I tried setting a umask in Apache, which would affect the permission, but not the world write, it was still enabled
PHP seems to have a umask set as 0
Every file that gets uploaded has a permission set of: -rw-r--rw-
Anyone have any idea where I should go looking
Best Regards
Paul Carew
Close Reach Communications Inc
Tel: +1-512-576-3030
Fax: +1-973-201-1670
E: Paul.Carew at CloseReachCommunications.com
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