[pmwiki-users] JITS issues, requests, etc.
Jiri Hladůvka / OBUTEX
admin at obutex.com
Wed Apr 4 03:57:04 CDT 2007
the Other michael napsal(a):
> I was hoping to fiddle more with JITS today beyond the compilation of
> this list, but things heated up at work. :::sigh::: Stupid paycheck!
> Below are some features I would like to see, or if they are currently
> available, would like to use them!
> --Add button/selection to change project type and assignment of issue
> on edit
Project and type selection on edit will be add in the next release.
I'm not sure what you mean by the "assignment". If it is a task for e.g.
then the issue can be placed in Alice/Tasks or ToDo/Alice ...
If the issue is reassigned to Bob later then it can be solved by e.g.
like "reassigned to Bob. see [[Bob/1023]]" and creating new task for Bob
> --Location of edit button -- appears to be only content, but Priority
> and Status are also editable
OK I will put it after the end of Content
> --Admin should be able to change Author/re-assign issue to another.
What is it good for?
> Or we should have an (optional) assignment field that is sep. from
> Author.
> --Preview of content prior to "Save changes." Also, a cancel button
I don't think the preview is possible in ZAP form.
Instead Cancel the author
can click any other link in the page or just close the window.
If not saved no page is created/changed.
> --content is wikified by default, but no (?) markup is evaluated; this
> is possibly a ZAP limitation???
Yes, this is ZAP limitation. See "Q:ZAP setting attr" thread in the
> --change label of "Accomplish" button to "Filter" (more intuitive --
> Accomplish.. what?)
OK. this is my poor English limitation. What the button label should be?
[Go] [Filter] [Do it] [Show list] ... ?
> --Possible to filter by negatives? eg NOT Closed -- I'd like to see
> everything else....
Possible from 2.2.0-beta33 see http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00878
In earlier versions I used e.g.
(:input select name="Status" value="open,inprocess" label="X-active":)
not to show closed,dismissed and suspended issues in the <Group>JITScfg
Now it should be possible
(:input select name="Status" value="*,-closed,-dismissed,-suspended"
> --display ONLY the issues list without the filter control --
> predefined in the markup -- eg, for a page that ALWAYS lists by a
> certain author (for profile, or whatever) page that will only list
> closed issues, etc. Currently, (:include JITS.JITSsnip
> #mainpage#mainpageend:) displays login buttons, new issue, filters AND
> issues list.
Just create the page in any group
with the source e.g.
(:title All JITS Closed Issues:)
(:include JITS/JITSPgLstS #issuelist#issuelistend:)
(:sort: -$:ChngDate :)
(:filterG: *:)
(:JName: *:)
(:Type: *:)
(:Project: *:)
(:Status: closed:)
(:Priority: *:)
Here you can set any filtering/order values.
This is easier then to modify the JITS snippets.
See http://www.revida.sk/wiki/index.php/Site/WikiSandbox
> --Admin (or qualified user) form to enter new Project titles, instead
> of having to edit the page's source in JITScfg#Project#Projectend. Is
> it possible to do this via zap -- add lines, instead of just changing
> a single variable?
I think it is possible using comma separated lists.
But I am still a bit confused with ZAP beta documentation (because of my
and continual changes in the syntax -- follow the discusion "New {$$ }
and {( )} markups "
in the maillist. Maybe it is better to wait a while for the ZAP is more
stable and not beta.
I have in my plans such an admin's page
> I'm liking your JITS system; on a small-scale, I like it much better
> than the XToDo recipe I've been using for a while. And on a larger
> scale, I hope it might be used here at my workplace's wiki. I would
> also hope to do some work on these issues, myself.
> Would you prefer me to email you things like this, or make them new
> issues?
Sure, good ideas are valuable for things going to be better.
BTW I have inserted this post to
> -the Other michael
> http://www.xradiograph.com/interference
> http://www.xradiograph.com/wrottings
> __________ Informace od NOD32 2166 (20070403) __________
> Tato zprava byla proverena antivirovym systemem NOD32.
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OBUTEX s.r.o
Ing.Jiří Hladůvka
Zlatovská 22
911 01 Trenčín
tel.: +421 (0)32 6587000
mailto:admin at obutex.com
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