[pmwiki-users] Limiting search results (nofollow default)

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Mon Sep 18 08:51:51 CDT 2006

Any suggestions on the best way to limit search results on PmWiki pages 
(without password protecting). 

I took a look at the MicroSoft live.com search page and was surprised at 
how different the search results were from google.com, in terms of 
grabbing and promoting near the top of the list certain PmWiki pages, 
such as PmWiki.PmWiki and Main.RecentChanges, as well as some 
semi-personal pages that had never appeared on google.com

One approach I am thinking of is to add %nofollow% to my pagelist 
templates, to limit the opportunity for search rankings to be driven by 
automatically generated pagelists.  (One problem: I'd be changing the 
distributed PageListTemplates page and, as a result, creating issues for 
future upgrades)

If I wanted to do more that just change my pagelist templates, could I 
make a simple change in my config.php that would cause all links to use 
nofollow by default and, if so, would there be a easy way to bypass that 
to allow certain links to be followed?  Actually, it would probably work 
well if I changed the local config.php to add the new default and then 
shut it off with a group configuration, such as main.php that allowed 
the links in that group to be followed.  That way, I would treat the 
mean group, for example, as my public jumping off point, while using 
pages in other groups as jumping off points to pages that might receive 
separate search rankings.

Any suggestions or feedback?



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