[pmwiki-users] Skin not found in farm
pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Mon Oct 23 07:30:12 CDT 2006
Pico wrote:
> I installed a PmWiki farm on a new server and have separated the pub
> from the rest of the PmWiki files, where pub is web accessible but the
> rest of the files are in a directory that is not web accessible.
> Everything works fine until I try to change the skin, and then I get the
> following message:
> PmWiki can't process your request
> ?unable to find skin from list triad
> We are sorry for any inconvenience.
> I'll provide all the details if required, but first off, is there a
> common cause for this error?
Ok, here are some diagnostic details:
1. That error appears to be triggered by looking at the pub directory
that is part of the regular PmWiki install that I have located outside
of my web document tree ("the private pub"):
a. Yes, my FarmPubDirUrl does point to a separate pub directory that
exists and is located in a web-servable directory ("the public pub");
b. Skins work if they are installed in both the private pub and the
public pub;
c. If a skin is only installed in the public pub, I get a blank page
with the can't process, unable to find skin error (same results if I
break the path of the private pub by renaming that pub or skins directory)
d. If a skin is only installed in the private pub, I get an unstructured
layout that appears to be using the standard PmWiki skin (all content
starts at the left margin, starting with PageActions, then the page
content, then the Logo followed by the SideBar)
Any ideas?
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