[pmwiki-users] most user-friendly method of database configuration
crisses at kinhost.org
Sun Oct 15 12:31:18 CDT 2006
On Oct 15, 2006, at 1:09 PM, Pico wrote:
> Ok. But you didn't really make your case for naming until this
> post, and so you should understand that the prior exchange may have
> lacked some important context and substance.
I said I walked in and didn't understand. I had read back several
posts, but didn't understand the direction Ben S was going.
I didn't actually apologize for it: I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
Having figured out a little about what he was talking about, I
reframed my contribution to the discussion.
>> Ok, maybe that's not at all where you're going. If you're not
>> doing anything regarding user authentication, then maybe I'm wrong
>> about this.
> Why would you be wrong (or right) based on whether Ben S is
> thinking about user authentication. If you are right, you are right.
If Ben S is talking about something internal to the recipe, having
nothing to do with authentication or global uses of databases/ADOdb,
then I was wrong about my input. There's nothing wrong with being
wrong :)
>> For example, maybe your pagestore is on the same server, maybe even
>> the same database, as the authentication that would be accessed by
>> AuthUserDBase. Why would the admin repeat the info?
>> Having a unique human-readable label for each database (and
>> database connection!) would be helpful here. PHP has this
>> wonderful way of allowing you to call function and name names by
>> way of variables.
>> $Databases['moodle'] = array(connection info...); // $Databases
>> ['moodle']['type'] is "mysql"
>> AuthUserDBase could have
>> $AUDuse = 'moodle';
>> then (if $$AUDuse isn't defined...):
>> $$AUDuse = new NewADOConnection($Databases[$AUDuse]['type']);
>> Now there's a class instance for that connection named $moodle --
>> but we never need to know that. Individual recipes can test
>> whether another recipe already defined the connection with ADOdb,
>> creating less class instances that are redundant. $Databases
>> ['??'] is optionally human-readable by the admin, and can be
>> whatever value the admin wants in whatever language, or can be a
>> code, numbers, etc. For the programmer it's just a matter of
>> typing an extra $ and thinking a bit more expansively.
>> This also helps protect the namespace. How many people are going
>> to define $db = new NewADOConnection('mysql');
>> straight out of the documentation -- causing potential namespace
>> clashes between recipes....
>> Are there other concerns?
> I would think that the biggest potential problem to be addressed is
> whether distinctions should be drawn between access db for content
> and for security. If you provide unified connection code that
> fails to distinguish between content used for publishing and
> content used for security, then won't there be a danger that
> security information will be inadvertently published? The issue
> can arise with two separate dbs, and can be complicated if the
> same db contains tables to store content and security data.
This can be handled by the admin. $Databases can be used for
multiple authentication levels to the same database as well....
$Databases['mysqlprivileged'] = array( ...for writing to the
authentication database);
$Databases['mysqlreadonly'] = array( ... for reading from the
database only);
$AUDuse = 'mysqlprivileged'; // if it's the stand-alone, needs to
write to the database type of use
$AUDuse = 'mysqlreadonly'; // if it's the read-only type that is only
authenticating AGAINST the database, but doesn't need to write to it....
> So, in the end, the issue may not really be about providing names
> for connections so that they can be shared, but in providing a
> mechanism to distinguish db data intended for publication from data
> intended for security.
That has to fall on the shoulders of the database admin, too. I
could create separate unpriviledged users -- AND SHOULD -- to protect
the database. Then I need a way to have multiple database/user
combos in the wiki.
> As with most of my posts in this area, please keep in mind the
> running disclosure that I don't know what I am talking about, but I
> see what I see (like the fool who says the sun is rising, I may
> just be right).
LOL -- hey, someone saying "sounds good" is better than crickets....
>> You said "each database already has a name" but I don't find $db
>> to be particularly descriptive or safe. That's not a "name" but a
>> storage container used on the programming end, not the
>> administrator end, of a recipe. "there can only be one connection
>> to a given database at a time" -- this is not true. I can easily
>> do $db1 and $db2 as two connections, perhaps each looking at a
>> different table of the same database...
>> If I'm authenticating someone from tableA and you're storing pages
>> in tableB of the same database, we could share the same connection/
>> data -- or we can have multiple connections and duplicated
>> authentication data. Databases are all about multiple connections.
>> When writing vbulletin.php I used adodb but the same
>> authentication as the AuthUserDBase -- so I copied the variables
>> -- what a waste. I thought there should be a better way to share
>> the same info. Many hosting services only give you one database
>> to connect to. Why are admins required to duplicate their data
>> because the cookbook authors can't agree on one method to share
>> this data (and maybe even connection!) between their recipes?
>> Whatever we do, we have to allow multiple databases and servers
>> while making it easier on the administrator(s).
> Yes, please.
We're all open to it, which is great. Problem is getting on the
phone and having a real conference call about methodology ;)
>> ----
>> Another reason I'm writing is to verify whether you're working on
>> database-based authentication. I'm slated to work, alone or with
>> Ben Wilson, on improving AuthUserDBase and incorporating ADOdb,
>> etc. If you're working on it, then I shouldn't. We don't need
>> more confusion, Ben & I discussed eliminating confusion by merging
>> the AuthUserDBase and XesAuthUserDBase recipes. So I wanted to
>> check whether or not this is something that is part of your
>> recipe. I doubt it, but it's better that I ask.
> Ben can answer that, I can't. But my impression is that we (as a
> community) will be best served if recipe authors work together to
> provide solutions that can be layered to work together, and that
> there is no need to "re-invent the wheel."
I've extended many a recipe or core feature, but I'm all for rolling
it back in when it's past "does it work" and "is it useful"
> Regards to Jack.
Jack says hi ;)
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