[pmwiki-users] Selecting a Wiki engine...
Henrik Bechmann
henrik.bechmann at sympatico.ca
Tue Oct 3 15:11:19 CDT 2006
BTW, will page text variables accept arrays?
(:staff: [Betty, Anne, George, Sam]:)
I thought I saw something like that whiz by in a message, but I can't
find it...
- Henrik
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 12:22:54PM -0400, Henrik Bechmann wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> See http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:namespaces
> Ahhh, I see. They essentially manage this by avoiding the problem
> of parent, ancestor, uncle, or cousin links -- i.e., you can
> address pages at or below the current group, otherwise you have
> to start at the root.
> Could work. It still has a bunch of issues in a PmWiki context,
> however. For example, a single name could be referring to either
> a group or a page, and it's not clear how one would manage group
> attributes.
> (I can give a longer detailed list if people think it would
> be helpful.)
> Thanks!
>> Personally, I think it would be more fruitful (and less brittle) to
>> think of the current PmWiki implementation as a *repository* of pages,
>> with some way of structuring hierarchies on top of that with reference
>> to the underlying repository.
> This is what categories, trails, and other items are intended to
> help resolve.
>> My hunch is that your page text vars may
>> actually help in that regard (eg (:parentnode ParentGroup.PageName:)).
> I think you may be right -- I'm still learning what all is possible
> within the context of page text vars.
> Pm
>> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 08:11:25AM -0400, The Editor wrote:
>>>> On 10/3/06, Thomas Voghera <thomasvoghera at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> - limitation to a two-level hierarchy (groups and pages)
>>>>> Is this about how pages can be organized? carved in stone?
>>>> But it is *possible* this hierarchy problem will be solved soon.
>>>> There was a very long list discussion on the subject a few months
>>>> back, and the resolution seemed to be there was not a simple way (yet)
>>>> to adequately qualify relative links (and avoid resulting
>>>> ambiguities).
>>> It's possible but not likely. I've spent a *lot* of time over the
>>> past five years thinking about hierarchical group implementations,
>>> and I don't like anything we've come up with better than the current
>>> Group.Name system.
>>> That said, this past week I heard through a couple of off-list
>>> discussions that DocuWiki now has a good hierarchical grouping
>>> system -- if someone wanted to check it out and report back it
>>> might be worth looking at.
>>>> I'm wondering if in the back of Pm's mind the new syntax for *$:vars
>>>> was a step toward solving this problem.
>>> Nope, I haven't consciously made a connection between vars and
>>> hierarchical groups. Sorry.
>>> Pm
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>> Henrik Bechmann
>> www.osscommons.ca
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Henrik Bechmann
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