[pmwiki-users] more on fedora 5 / pmwikiserv problems

Loic Domaigne loic-dev at gmx.net
Thu Nov 16 15:56:57 CST 2006

> Well, maybe if I post my findings, it will help another novice pmwiki 
> user...
> As I'm sure was obvious to most real PHP programmers, distributions with 
> PHP 5 often have both "php" and "php-cgi" as script interpreters.  Older 
> distributions only had "php", but with the functionality of the newer 
> "php-cgi".
> So the solution to this problem is to change pmwikiserv to use "php-cgi" 
> on Linux distributions that have it, and run "php" otherwise.  With that 
> done, it works quite well on Fedora Core 5.
> Lindsay Todd wrote:
> > I reported the other day the problems I have had running pmwikiserv on 
> > my Fedora Core 5 system (PHP 5.1.6).  I am still not a PHP hacker, but 
> > I've delved a bit further into the problem, and maybe someone can give 
> > me a bit of help.


Dear PmWiki community,

I am currently facing the same problem as Lindsay did. Unfortunately, I didn't
found out yet from Lindsay's post what has to be done in order to get the
pmwikiserv running on Fedora Core 5 (I must say that I am a newbie in PHP). 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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