[pmwiki-users] Browse a comments page, get sent to associated 'base page'
Tegan Dowling
tmdowling at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 08:55:20 CST 2006
Lucian Wischik <lu.gmane <at> wischik.com> writes:
> Put it in local/config.php
> $pagename2 = preg_match('/^Comments[\/\.](.*?)-(.*)$/',$pagename,$matches);
> if ($pagename2!=0) $pagename2=$matches[1].'/'.$matches[2];
> if ($action=='browse' && $pagename != $pagename2)
> { Redirect($pagename2); exit;
> }
> Explanation: here, whenever we arrive at a "comments" page
> in browse-mode, we redirect immediately to the primary page
> that these comments hang off of. This redirection will
> happen for instance after users have submitted a change
> to the comments page. And it will happen when the user
> clicks on a link in the Site.AllRecentChanges page. And
> it will happen when the user clicks on a link in their RSS
> feed.
Hi, Lucian:
I like the idea of this a lot -- could you describe the rest of the
setup -- would you consider writing it up as a recipe (not necessarily
a downloadable recipe file -- maybe just as a list of steps to take
and code like the above to paste into the config file)?
What version of PmWiki is required, to do this? What other recipes
(e.g. authentication, etc)?
How do you create the Comments pages; how are they made world-writable
without making other pages world-writable; what is the syntax of the
page names?
Would this lend itself to requiring a password for the Comments pages?
Or a captcha?
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