[pmwiki-users] Chat commands
The Editor
editor at fast.st
Mon Nov 13 11:02:18 CST 2006
Hi all,
I'm continuing to have a blast with the chat module I'm working on. I
envision it easily becoming a very powerful instant messaging system,
or live help desk service, or a way to proactively greet web visitors,
and many other purposes. I'm trying to simplify how it work's a bit,
and add some more flexibility to it. Plus a few more features...
In particular I'm wanting to give it IRC like command capabilities in
the format:
!command <parameters>
I've got most of this figured out how it will work, so I don't need
help with the coding (just yet!), but wanted to know if anyone had any
input on my proposed list? Anything missing? Or that should be added?
Different command names? Or syntax?
It's been awhile since my mirc days, so my memory is a bit foggy.
Appreciate input from those who do stillchat... Or better yet text
messaging? Never tried it personally. So bring me up to speed. What
kind of commands do you want?
(You may find it easier to post to a wiki page to read). Or go to
www.zapsite.org and click the ZAPchat module.)
Chat Commands (Proposed)
||!join ||(opt)Room ||Join current or specified room. If different
room, switches to that room.
||!leave ||(opt)Room ||Leave current or specified room.
||!room ||Room ||Switches window to specified room.
||!list || ||List all public rooms available.
||!exit || ||Leaves all room and returns to Chat welcome page.
||!info ||(opt)Room ||Get's info about current or specified room.
||!here ||(opt)Room ||Shows who is present in current or specified room.
||!whois ||Name ||Get's chat profile about specified member.
Sometimes this is also available clicking their name.
||!clear ||(opt)# in seconds ||Archives all chat messages in room. If
a number is entered, only messages older than that time in seconds are
||!archive ||(opt)2006-11-12-22 ||Shows all archived chat for the
specified year, month, day, and hour. Can also just specify year,
year and month, or year month and day. Does not show current chat.
||!warn ||Name|(opt)message ||Warn a chatter of inappropriate behavior
or a standard default message is given.
||!kick ||Name|(opt)message ||Kick a chatter out of a room, with
option to return.
||!ban ||Name|(opt)message ||Kick a chatter out of a room, with no
option to return.
||!private ||Name|message ||Send a message only the recipient can see.
||!makeop ||Name ||Gives "op" (operator) status to a person. These
are persistent between chat sessions.
||!takeop ||Name ||Removes "op" (operator) status from a person.
These are persistent between chat sessions.
||!help || ||Shows a list of available commands
||!away ||(opt)message ||Shows user as away from his computer
temporarily, until next time they post.
||!action ||(opt)message ||Displays user doing an action based on the message.
||!create ||Room ||Create a new room, with user as administrator.
||!destroy ||Room ||Destroys a room and all archives.
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