[pmwiki-users] ISO week number in PmCalendar
Chris Cox
ccox at airmail.net
Wed May 31 11:21:37 CDT 2006
Sandy wrote:
> Looks useful. I miss more appointments and deadlines in the first week
> of a month, simpy because I don't see them on the calendar.
PmCalendar's soln for this is have a caltype=text display which
is configurable to a delta number of days out from the current
day... or you can use the normal monthsahead, etc style
See the http://pmwiki.org/wiki/Cjc/Cjc calendar example.
And yes.. there is a bug in that the Week Events don't stay
if you traverse month to month... I'll be fixing that...
If you prefer the large month calendar display, you can just set
your monthsahead to the number of months you want displayed.
> Ben Wilson wrote:
>> Along those lines (or, as we're talking PmWiki Features):
>> With week numbers, it may be possible to chart out weeks in advance as
>> opposed to months. For example, I tend to care about what is happening
>> in the next six weeks. I would love to have the ability to list by
>> weeks.
>> Ben
>> On 5/24/06, Peter Gerell <boost at gerell.se> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In Sweden it is common to refer to dates using week numbers.
>>> E.g. I will be on vacation from week 28 to week 32 this summer.
>>> All printed calendars have this information.
>>> I would like the month views in PmCalendar to have an extra column with the
>>> week number.
>>> Unfortunatelly I do not know enough php to accomplish this myself.
>>> Has anyone implemented support for week numbers in PmCalendar?
>>> If not, I would like to add a request for this feature.
>>> /Peter
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