[pmwiki-users] PmCal Style Changes

Steve Rowe think1blue at yahoo.com
Wed May 24 13:51:06 CDT 2006

Steve Rowe wrote:
> I'm using Feral's CJC-like arrangement of PmCal, and
> need to adjust the size, text color, and background
> color of the day headings in the right column.  I've
> been sifting through the CSS for PmCal-Mini and
> changes, but I haven't been able to figure out where
> this is defined.  Can anyone please point me in the
> right direction?  Thanks!

Think you will want to look for pmcaltodaytextlink and
or something like that (trying to remember off the top
of my head).

I may be able to give a more explicit answer tonight
(but maybe not...
I'm quite busy...)

Thanks! That helped a lot.  

If I could trouble you one step further, where would I
find the CSS for event text in the right-hand column?

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