[pmwiki-users] preformatted text block *with* formatting? (bug in [ <at> .. <at> ] ?)
Jo Rhett
jrhett at svcolo.com
Wed May 24 13:25:46 CDT 2006
Pico, thanks for helping me but why do you keep referring me back to
documentation that I refer to when I write my messages?
You're also ignoring every single one of my points:
1. My original report that BasicEdit is misleading
2. And my arguement that making [@ the same as [= isn't useful. It would
be more useful to have a preformatted text block than to have two tags
which do pretty much exactly the same thing.
I'll add a third issue that "a leading space before a tag is stupid". I
gave up on dokuwiki for exactly this reason. Add a space or remove a space
and it becomes a completely different meaning. Now it's more complex than
HTML, not less.
It would be more useful to have [@, [= be distinct and clear, and maybe [@=
as a combined tag if you really want combined meanings.
On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 05:40:29PM +0000, Pico wrote:
> Jo Rhett <jrhett <at> svcolo.com> writes:
> >
> > Okay, so reading the BasicEditing documentation it's pretty easy to assume
> > that because these two are in the same box, their effect is the same, but
> > one is for lines, and one is for blocks
> >
> > Monospaced text <at> <at> Monospaced text <at> <at>
> >
> > This is a [ <at> This is a
> > preformatted preformatted
> > text block text block <at> ]
> >
> > However, the following two statements render differently.
> >
> > <at> <at> The following word should be in ''italics'' <at> <at> (and is)
> >
> > [ <at> The following word should be in ''italics'' <at> ] (is not...)
> >
> > It would appear that [ <at> ... <at> ] also assumes [=...=]. This isn't
> documented
> > clearly.
> >
> > It also presents problems for creating documentation, where variables and
> > such are italicized. I need to do large blocks of text like so
> >
> > [ <at>
> > $ run this command
> > ''see this italicized output''
> > $ run this command
> > see this 'italicized word'' in a larger output
> > see this clickable http://link/to/somewhere in the output
> > $ run this command with an ''italicized word'' in the middle
> > see this normal output
> > <at> ]
> >
> > I really need the ability to get a monospaced font over a large block of
> > text *but with normal pmwiki formatting*. How can I do this?
> >
> > Honestly, I think that making [ <at> be different from <at> <at> is a bug.
> If you
> > want monospaced font *and* no formatting, you can do this
> >
> > [ <at> [= ... =] <at> ]
> >
> > It's also A LOT more flexible than the current situation.
> >
> @@ simply changes the typeface.
> [= escapes the markup, but *not* the word wrap
> to escape the word wrap, you have to add a space before the [= escape
> [@ escapes the markup and word wrap, for convenience.
> Take a look at the TextFormattingRules documentation:
> http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/TextFormattingRules#EscapeSequence and
> http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/TextFormattingRules#Emphasis (for @@)
> Pico
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Jo Rhett
senior geek
SVcolo : Silicon Valley Colocation
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