[pmwiki-users] pagelist is creating links relative to the current group?
Martin Fick
mogulguy at yahoo.com
Wed May 24 12:27:06 CDT 2006
Let me ask a silly question, is this an issue for
anything besides pagelists?
If not, I think that a good flexible solution might be
to provide a {$GroupPage} or something simlilarly
named which would either:
1) point to an existing group homepage
2) be blank
Any policy thereafter could be customized in the
pagelist template by testing to see if {$GroupPage} is
blank or not. It always seemed weird to me to have an
edit link in a pagelist so a default in the
Site.PageListTemplates might be to not even have a
link, but rather just the plain group name.
This would prevent pmwiki from having to advocate what
the new group homepage would have to be named.
--- "Patrick R. Michaud" <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 07:01:15AM -0400, Pico
> wrote:
> > Sounds like the groups that are giving your
> problems may not have
> > default home pages, i.e. Group.Group or
> Group.Home, which is an issue
> > that is described in PITS/00736. Take a look at
> that page and add your
> > vote for the priority.
> This has been a long-standing problem that I'd like
> to solve.
> The crux of the problem is that there are multiple
> possibilities for
> a group's "default home page"-- i.e., for a group
> XYZ the default
> home page can be either "XYZ.XYZ" or "XYZ.HomePage".
> (Actually, a
> site administrator can have any number of default
> home pages
> for a group -- these two are just the PmWiki
> default.)
> So, when generating a link to the "group home" and
> no group home
> page exists, we don't have any real way of knowing
> what name to
> choose, and so far I've been reluctant to impose a
> choice upon
> sites. Some sites seem to prefer the XYZ.XYZ form
> of group home,
> while others prefer XYZ.HomePage. (There are
> situations where each
> is more appropriate than the other, which is why
> PmWiki allows a
> choice.)
> However, the present situation of having a group
> home inadvertently
> link into the current group is worse than nothing,
> so we need
> to fix it.
> Does anyone have an idea about how PmWiki can select
> an appropriate
> name for the group home when no default page exists
> for the group?
> Should we just say that PmWiki always defaults to
> "XYZ.XYZ" in
> this case, or ... ?
> ----
> An alternate approach: Another approach would be to
> add a {$GroupUrl}
> page variable that references the group home url,
> analogous to
> the existing {$PageUrl}. The advantage of this
> approach is that
> it works regardless of the name used for group home
> pages. The
> disadvantages are that it will render as an external
> link instead
> of a page link (i.e., like an InterMap or http:
> link), and will
> have the same look even if the target default page
> doesn't exist.
> For the PmWiki skin this isn't a big difference, but
> for other
> skins it could be somewhat confusing.
> Pm
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