[pmwiki-users] creating a page the easy way (patch included)
Jo Rhett
jrhett at svcolo.com
Wed May 24 11:59:42 CDT 2006
Okay, so we have a few groups were people who really don't write
documentation need to put things. The group home page is a listing of
everything in the group, so it's easy to find things.
The problem is creating pages. There are two options for doing this:
1. Add a link to an existing page for a page that doesn't exist
* these people don't really understand links to start with
they really don't understand a link they can't copy from their browser.
2. Edit the URL in their browser to reference a page which doesn't exist
* oh, boy. Location bar? You must be kidding.
So last night I was toying around with adding a "Create a Page" form to the
group home page. I have it working like this, but ...
(:input form "pmwiki.php" GET :)
Add a vendor named (:input text pagename "Vendors." size=40 :)
(:input submit value="Create" :)
(:input end :)
The problem is the prepended group name. People remove it, or change it,
and it ends up somewhere else. What I really need is:
(:input form "pmwiki.php" GET :)
(:input hidden groupname "Vendors" :)
Add a vendor named (:input text pagename "" size=40 :)
(:input submit value="Create" :)
(:input end :)
Or perhaps a select box?
Yes, I can limit what groups pages can be created in, but this causes
Looking at the code, this would appear to be a fairly trivial fix:
--- pmwiki.php_orig Wed May 24 09:54:39 2006
+++ pmwiki.php Wed May 24 09:57:43 2006
@@ -277,6 +277,13 @@
else $action = 'browse';
$pagename = $_REQUEST['n'];
+/* Hack in the ability to specify the group separately. */
+if ( !$pagename && $_REQUEST['groupname'] && $_REQUEST['pagename'] ) {
+ $pagename = $_REQUEST['groupname'] . '.' . $_REQUEST['pagename'];
+/* End Hack */
if (!$pagename) $pagename = $_REQUEST['pagename'];
if (!$pagename &&
But since this is so easy, I'm assuming there's a good reason why it wasn't
done before. So clue me in -- what am I overlooking here?
Jo Rhett
senior geek
SVcolo : Silicon Valley Colocation
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