[pmwiki-users] Uploads Config on Farms -- UploadDir??
Curtis, Clayton
Clayton.Curtis at va.gov
Wed May 24 06:18:01 CDT 2006
Sivakatirswami wrote:
> suppose in our server administration wiki I have
> /admin/
> index.html
> local/
> uploads/
> Migration/
> Security/
> wiki.d/
> Now... someone comes in and he wants to make a new group called "CGI
> Libraries"
> And, then he wants to upload a diagram... but PMWiki errors out
> saying he needs a writable directory /CGILibraries/ before he can
> accept an upload. So then he emails me... I log in via FTP or
> terminal, mkdir... ....etc..
Pm wrote:
> Make sure the uploads/ directory is writable, and it should work
> automatically. However, if your system's PHP is configured to run
> in "safe_mode", then there's no way to automatically create the
> per-group subdirectories and they must be created manually by the
> administrator.
Are there other settings that are important? I'm having the same problem
and have verified that uploads is 777 and php isn't running in safe_mode
according to phpinfo. (Platform is Fedora Core 5 and Apache 2.2)
Clayton Curtis
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