[pmwiki-users] CountGlyphs recipe doesn't work
pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Thu May 18 17:15:50 CDT 2006
> From: Audun Myhra Bergwitz <bergwitz at gmail.com>
> My comment on the recipe page:
> "It seems like this script doesn't work. It might be that it counts
> glyphs and words, but it doesn't show it anywhere. Even in the example
> above it doesn't show anything. Tried in both in IE and Firefox to make
> sure that it wasn't a browser-specific problem."
> Yep, it doesn't even work on the page:
> <http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/CountGlyphs>
> Anyone who could care to look into this?
I just tried installing it on my wiki and it didn't work.
A search on PmWiki.org reveals that this has been posted as PITS/00710,
which notes that it was working, but appears to have stopped working
with version 2.1
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