[pmwiki-users] Again: Parameterizing Content
Chris Cox
ccox at airmail.net
Wed May 17 17:03:45 CDT 2006
Felix E. Klee wrote:
> I've requested a similar feature before. However, this time I've
> refined my request a bit. What it's about (roughly):
> I want to be able to call a wiki page as in the following example:
> http://www.foo.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.SomePage&f=sum&inp_x=3&inp_y=5
The PmCalendar, and other recipes parse data similar to this.
The monthly display I can assure you is all dynamically generated (and others
styles as well of course). I simply take the parameters (if supplied) and
use those to tailor the output... the page merely contains (:pmcal:) and
that markup calls my php program which generates wiki content dynamically. Other
cookbooks might generate HTML.. I took the approach of outputting
pmwiki markup language for page renders.
At work I use a markup called (:shellOut cmd=programname parms=parameters:)
which in turn execs a Unix/Linux shell script called programname at a protected path area
which is assumed to output pmwiki markup language... that way I can quickly
add and test new dynamic extensions (I'm a Unix/Linux dude of course).
Looks like (from local/config.php):
"/\\(:shellout[ ]*(.*?):\\)/e",
function shellout($opts) {
$args = ParseArgs($opts);
$shelloutcmd="/usr/local/sbin/" . basename($args['cmd']) . " " . $args['parms'];
$shelloutoutput = shell_exec($shelloutcmd);
return $shelloutoutput;
I know it probably looks a bit risky.. here... you can change /usr/local/sbin
to something better/safer. This one doesn't do the work like PmCalendar does
to handle the _GET parameters from the URL line.
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