[pmwiki-users] History/trace of the pages already seen

Jean-Philippe Georget jpgnews2006 at jpgeorget.net
Wed May 17 01:54:20 CDT 2006


Américo Albuquerque <aalbuquerque at lanowar.sytes.net> wrote:

>  > I want to see the name of the 10 (for example) previous pages that
>  > I've just seen before.
> You can use tracetrail.php. Check it at 
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/TraceTrail. Just copy it to the 
> cookbook directory and add require_once('cookbook/tracetrail.php');
> That recipe will give you a (:tracetrails:) markup that will do what you 
> want.

Yes, thank you very much.

Perhaps it's a bug: 

When I use 

    $GroupHeaderFmt .= "(:tracetrails:)";

in my local/config.php, the first markup on the page (for example "! My
title") is not evaluate and "! My title" appear like that and not as a
real title.

So I use now (note the new line and the "\\\"): 

    $GroupHeaderFmt .= "(:tracetrails:)\\\


Jean-Philippe Georget - jpgnews2006 at jpgeorget.net

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