[pmwiki-users] What the @!$&? is that?

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Sat May 6 07:47:35 CDT 2006

Excuse my ascii ;-) but what are the special characters used in markup 
and how can they be used as a cross reference to the documentation?

I'm putting together a listing, built from a qwert arpeggio (or whatever 
the term is when you run your finger across the piano keyboard from one 
end to the other).

If you get a minute, it would be great if you could visit the page and 
add to or correct this list in progress.  The more esoteric the better, 
because I would like this list to be a cross-reference to documentation 
that can be used when you come across some new or strange markup that 
you don't understand.


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