[pmwiki-users] PmCal Bug?
Gary Spivey
gspivey at georgefox.edu
Mon May 1 23:52:04 CDT 2006
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pmwiki-users-bounces at pmichaud.com [mailto:pmwiki-users-
> bounces at pmichaud.com] On Behalf Of Chris Cox
> Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 2:21 PM
> To: pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
> Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] PmCal Bug?
> Gary Spivey wrote:
> >
> >
> > When the links for the today button, the current, previous, and next
> > months are set, PmCal uses the group to key off of. I am thinking
> > it should be the pagename.
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a group called MyGroup which has several pages, including the
> > Calendar page. My Calendar page is at MyGroup/Calendar.
> >
> >
> >
> > I need the PmCal links to point to MyGroup/Calendar?month=####
> > than MyGroup?month=###
> >
> >
> >
> > Is there a reason that these are pointing to the group?
> >
> >
> >
> > (By the way, I am loving having the PmWiki Calendar - it is making
> > course calendars very easy for my classes).
> It is somewhat by design. Default page name is used for the
> Group rather than trying to figure that out.
> Ideally, the PmCalendar markup wants its own group so that
> it can be present on every page using the GroupHeader or
> GroupFooter for the (:pmcal:) markup.
> You can include a PmCalendar on a single page, but as you noticed,
> there are some things that don't work quite right doing it that
> way.
With a couple of very minor tweaks, it works great! What I am doing is
putting the calendar in multiple groups at a page called
The central Calendar page does a
(:pmcal cals=groupa,groupb,groupc :)
Which includes the Calendars from the various groups. I added a calpage
variable that allows one to set the page extension of the included
calendar. If none is set, it defaults to the groupname, so that you get
$cal.$cal (as it currently is). If you want to set the calpage to
something like 'Calendar' (which is what I do), then you can. Also, I
added a $PmCal global array that can go in the config.php file. I set
$PmCal['calpage'] = 'Calendar' and $PmCal['styles'] = 'Calendar' (my
style name) so that I don't have to set these in all of the individual
In the GroupFooter, I do a conditional include if the page name has 8
digits. This let's me have course pages like ENGE220 with
ENGE220/Homeworks and ENGE220/Labs and ENGE220/Calendar - which seems
clean to me.
Students can put together Calendars from their classes by simply making
(:pmcal cals=ENGE220,ENGE250,ENGINEERING:)
I also added in some RetrieveAuth checks so that calendars and events
are only displayed to individuals who can read the items themselves.
This was a simple fix that allows the main calendar to look different
for different users.
It is working beautifully.
Now, it is certainly possible that this might break something for
others, but I don't know what it would be.
This is my Calendar/GroupFooter - for other groups, I simply put
(:include Calendar/GroupFooter:) in that group's GroupFooter. I am not
worrying about ACAL's as they aren't edited much - but you could just do
the same thing there.
(:if match \d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d :)
(:include Calendar:)
Here is my diff ...
< calpage= pagename (default=$cal) for included cals. The
included link is set to
< ($cal.$calpage)
< global $pagename, $MaxIncludes, $HTMLHeaderFmt, $PmCal;
> global $pagename, $MaxIncludes, $HTMLHeaderFmt;
< 'calpage'=>'',
< $calpage = isset($_GET['calpage']) ? $_GET['calpage'] :
< $calpage = $calpage ? $calpage : $PmCal['calpage'];
< $styles = $styles ? $styles : $PmCal['styles'];
< if ($calpage) $linkpage = $cal .
'.' . $calpage;
< else $linkpage = $cal .
'.' . $cal;
< if (PageExists($linkpage)) {
< if (RetrieveAuthPage($linkpage,
'read', false)) {
< $out.="%class='$cl'%";
< }
< }
> $out.="%class='$cl'%";
$navprevout]] %%";
vprevout]] %%";
< $out.="
> $out.="
< if (! $skip &&
PageExists($pmcalincpagename) && (RetrieveAuthPage($pmcalincpagename,
'read', false))) {
> if (! $skip &&
PageExists($pmcalincpagename)) {
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