[pmwiki-users] Calendar / Event list

Chris Cox ccox at airmail.net
Fri Mar 31 11:33:24 CST 2006

Thomas Lederer wrote:
> Chris Cox schrieb am 31.03.2006 19:08 Uhr:
>>Take a look at:
>>(:pmcal cals=Cjc caltype=text monthsahead=1 expire=-1 zebra=false textcalfmt=%20 textdatefmt='%A, %B %e, %Y':)
>>It shows events starting with today and out for one month comming out of the Cjc calendar.
>>textcalfmt gets rid of the identifier showing where the calendar came from (Cjc) and
>>textdatefmt isn't necessary... just depends on how you like the dates to be formatted.
>>By default (also configurable), the date links will take you to the page on the calendar
>>where you could have more detail.
>>Just an option.
> I appreciate your comments, yet, the layout of the events is not as
> staight as the table above (my impression). The code fragment Pm did
> come up with, seems to be just what i needed. So please don't feel bad
> if i use that one :)
> So basically i have 2 Pages for a year, and not 50. As there are no
> entries to the events, this seems to be "better" to me.
> If i had a blog (which i did in the past) i'd agree with you, and have a
> page for each "entry".

Just remember, it's all themeable with CSS.. also remember that
is somewhat self maintaining.  You merely add events.  Don't have
to remember to expire, etc.

Thanks for taking a look.  PmWiki is so flexible that you can certainly
do something several different ways.

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