[pmwiki-users] Why doesn't this installation sequence work?

H. Fox haganfox at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Mar 21 15:35:19 CST 2006

On 3/21/06, Neil Herber <nospam at eton.ca> wrote:
> The structure you drew looks way too complicated. Every wiki admin
> needs FTP access to 2 directories.

I agree it seems like there's unnecessary complication.  The ASCII art
is a good idea for visually presenting an outside-the-webroot
installation though.  I created another diagram to put in the
FarmSecurity page...

This is just PmWiki, unpacked into a directory with pub/ moved out and
a farmconfig.php created in local/:

    |-- pmwiki.php
    |-- wikilib.d/          (default pages)
    |-- cookbook/           (farm-wide cookbook)
    |-- docs/
    |-- scripts/
    `-- local/
        `-- farmconfig.php  (farm-wide configuration file)

Here are the farm's pub/ directory and two wikis, created from scratch:

/var/www/                   Webroot
|-- pub/                    (wikis' publicly-accessible files)
|-- wiki1/
|   |-- index.php           (wrapper script)
|   |-- wiki.d/             (wiki's page storage)
|   |-- local/              (wiki's local configuration)
|   |   |-- config.php      (...for the entire wiki)
|   |   |-- Group.php       (...for the Group wikigroup)
|   |   `-- Group.Name.php  (...for the Group.Name page)
|   |-- cookbook/           (wiki's recipes)
|   |-- uploads/            (wiki's page attachments)
|   `-- pub/                (wikis' publicly-accessible files)
`-- wiki2/
    |-- index.php           (wrapper script)
    |-- wiki.d/             (wiki's page storage)
    |-- local/              (wiki's local configuration)
    |   |-- config.php      (...for the entire wiki)
    |   |-- Group.php       (...for the Group wikigroup)
    |   `-- Group.Name.php  (...for the Group.Name page)
    |-- cookbook/           (wiki's recipes)
    |-- uploads/            (wiki's page attachments)
    `-- pub/                (wikis' publicly-accessible files)

It works with my tiny patch to skins.php and this farmconfig.php,
where the last line is new:

    <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
    $FarmPubDirUrl = "http://example.com/pub";

> I  have a very easy way to create a farm with every wiki in the farm
> able to have its own totally private skins etc.
> 1) Do a standard, full install to directory1
> 2) Add the farmconfig file to directory1
> 3) In the .htaccess file for directory1, deny access to pmwiki.php

Easier and better than that is to put this in both local/config.php
and index.php:

    <?php header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); exit;

That gets the job done.  It's easy to understand and works on servers
where you can't use .htaccess.

If you want to present something besides a blank page, use something like

    # Disable the home wiki for this farm.
    header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
    exit('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>403 Forbidden</TITLE></HEAD>
    <BODY><H1>403 Forbidden</H1>
    <P>You don't have permission to access the requested file.

> Now I have to go polish the stein in my beer mug collection.

You wouldn't want a stained stein, now would you?


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