[pmwiki-users] New recipe: flickr-album
Jon Haupt
jhaupt at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 15:52:56 CST 2006
I have uploaded a new recipe to the cookbook, called Flickr Album. This
recipe enables you to dynamically display images directly from Flickr in
your site.
It makes use of the phpFlickr class, written by Dan Coulter,
It allows the use of the wiki markup (:flickralbum:) which features several
user=? - flickr userid
tags=? - tags to limit by, comma-delimited
columns=? - number of columns in album
number=? - total number of photos to show
type=recent - show most recent first
type=interesting - show most interesting photo first
size=? (Square, Thumbnail, Medium, Original - note: not all photos come in
every size)
At the moment, the userid is the only required parameter.
You can see examples of this recipe at work here:
Enabling this recipe requires installation of the phpFlickr class as well as
configuring flickr-album.php by inserting a Flickr API key and configuring
the photo cache.
At the moment, I'm having trouble with filesystem caching. When I tried to
enable filesystem caching, I immediately had numerous problems with my wiki
configuration, and I figure it must have something to do with the PHP work
directory being changed, but I don't know much about that kind of thing. If
anybody has any ideas about how I'd get around that problem, please let me
know. At the moment, you can use this recipe if you set up a MySQL database
for the photo cache or you can disable the caching entirely (which might be
slow). Instructions are included.
I'm considering this release 0.1 and future improvements should include
ability to display images from a set or group.
Jon Haupt
Fine & Performing Arts Librarian
Iowa State University
152 Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011
jhaupt at iastate.edu
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