[pmwiki-users] WikiTrail with graphical links instead of normal html links
Rolf Wiechmann
rolf.wiechmann at damasthandweberei.de
Fri Jan 27 15:04:01 CST 2006
Hello Pm,
That works. But unfortunately this is only half the solution because I
would like to have
on each page in the trail the same pictures in the following order
<< prev.png | list.png | next.png >>
My problem is I cannot differentiate the prev.png and the next.png in
the link list in my trail index page.
How can I solve the problem?
Patrick R. Michaud schrieb:
>On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 10:05:25PM +0100, Rolf Wiechmann wrote:
>>Hello group,
>>I am using PmWiki as a lightweight CMS system.
>>Therefore I would like to use a WikiTrail with graphical links instead
>>of normal html links.
>>I have a trail index page named TrailIndex with a list
>>* [[TrailPage1]]
>>* [[TrailPage2]]
>>* [[TrailPage3]]
>>On each page in the trail I use the WikiTrail Markup
>>The normal output on each page is like
>>« TrailPage1 | TrailIndex | TrailPage3 »
>>with the normal html links TrailPage1, TrailIndex and TrailPage3
>>This works well.
>>However I would like to use images as links instead of the normal html
>>How can I solve this requirement?
>In your trail index, use graphical links for the link text:
> * [[TrailPage1 | Attach:page1.png]]
> * [[TrailPage2 | Attach:page2.png]]
> * [[TrailPage3 | Attach:page3.png]]
>I -think- that will work, although I've never tried it myself.
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