[pmwiki-users] Recipe for adding links to a page
christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com
christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 04:00:47 CST 2006
I very frequently add links to a wiki page, basically I'm using some wiki
pages to keep a list of useful links. It's kind of annoying having to do
the this using the 'Edit page' functionality, so I was thinking about
other alternatives.
One way could be to have a special directive that enables a markup such as
which would add a form at the end of the page, which you could use to add
a link to the current page. The information that needs to be added should
in general simply be the following:
* The link URI
* The link text
* An optional short description/comment
* Prefix for the entry, which should default to '*'
The form data should simply be appended to the page as follows:
<prefix> ''[['' <link-text> ''->'' <link-URI> '']]'' ''—'' <comment>
Now, I have a pretty good feeling that all the basic tools for creating
this recipe is already in PmWiki... so I'd just like some pointers to what
I should be using (as well as thoughts on the idea in general of course).
For instance, isn't there already a recipe for doing form stuff in
general? Could that be used to generate the relevant forms? In that case,
perhaps there's no need for a special markup, but it'd be enough to
include a page:
(:include PageThatDefinesFormForInputtingLink:)
Thoughts and comments are welcome. Especially if you think there's better
ways to add link/comment to a page.
Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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