[pmwiki-users] lots of problems when redirecting or rewriting URLs
Joachim Durchholz
jo at durchholz.org
Tue Jan 17 02:30:21 CST 2006
Daniel Friedmann schrieb:
> Hello
> I'm trying to shorten the URLs:
> from
> http://spampal.de/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage
> to
> http://spampal.de/pmwiki/Main/HomePage
> or even better to
> http://spampal.de/Main/HomePage
> How can I achieve this when my PmWiki is located in
> /var/www/spampal.de/htdocs/pmwiki?
> First of all, I only have very basic knowledge of Linux but have a
> dedicated Debian server for free (donated to the SpamPal project) so I
> can't ask my provider to help me for all the little Linux things I might
> need.
> I read http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Christian/RedirectURI and tried all
> three ideas with my paths but nothing worked.
> I also have access to the Apache httpd.conf but adding a line like
> Alias /pmwiki/ /var/www/spampal.de/htdocs/pmwiki
> or
> Alias /wiki "/var/www/spampal.de/htdocs/pmwiki/pmwiki.php"
> didn't work as well.
The syntax is
Alias desired-url-prefix filepath-prefix
One thing that *might* work is
Alias / /var/www/spampal.de/pmwiki.php
Alias / /var/www/spampal.de/pmwiki.php/
This should result in Apache turning
You can check that by looking into these files:
To keep a continuous eye on the logs, log in using SSH or (if you have
it) the serial console and do
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access_log /var/log/apache2/error_log
so you can see what's the actual result.
The above Alias incantation should work if Apache does things in this way:
* URL-to-filename mapping
* Split off the end of the path until a filesystem object is found
* Find the type of the filesystem object, determine appropriate Action
("serve" for .html, "execute" for PHP, etc.)
* Put the split-off parts into the PATH_INFO environment variable
* Execute the action
If this works, you don't even need CleanUrls :-)
(CleanUrls is geared towards people who can't use Alias because they are
restricted to changing the .htaccess file - Alias is disallowed in
Hope that gets you started. Feel free to come back if Alias doesn't
work; in that case, we'll try CleanUrls anyway.
> What makes the ideas on http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/CleanUrls
> very complicated are the comments in between. There are several comments
> for shorter and/or better alternatives but also some comments with
> drawbacks for them.
> I don't quite know what is the best working solution which is
> recommended.
The problem is that the best working solution depends on the way the
machine is set up. It's a big, big mess, and not going to be prettier
over time.
(Lighttpd might be an alternative; I've been seeing more and more
mentions in Google. I don't think an options for newbies struggling with
Debian at this time though: I'd expect Software like Webmin and
phpMyAdmin to interoperate better with Apache, Apache problems
> This is very frustrating because I really tried dozens of
> very similar and completely different solutions but haven't succeed so far.
That's normal. Looking in the error log isn't a very prominent advice,
so most newbies just see 404 or 500 errors and get no clue about what
exactly went wrong or where to look. (I've had the same experience
I seriously recommend reading http://httpd.apache.org , particularly the
sections that deal with URL-to-filesystem mapping (DocumentRoot, Alias),
redirection (Redirect and relatives), rewriting (RewriteRule,
RewriteBase, RewriteLog), and .htaccess handling (AllowOverride).
Hope this all helps :-)
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