[pmwiki-users] Automatic linking

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Fri Feb 17 13:18:22 CST 2006

On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 03:01:58PM +0000, Karl Loncarek wrote:
> > Karl Loncarek schrieb:
> >> I released the inital version.
> > 
> > Where can I find it?
> > 
> Cookbook/AutomaticLinks
> Currently one bug still exists. some Attach: might get corrupted. I'll deal 
> with that later.

To avoid conflicts with other linking rules, change your 'autolinklinks' 
rule so that it occurs after other links have been processed.  Best 
is probably to have it occur either just before or after wikiword links:


    Markup('autolinklinks', '<wikilink',
      "Keep(AutoLinkSet('$0'), 'L')");


    Markup('autolinklinks', '>wikilink',
      "Keep(AutoLinkSet('$0'), 'L')");

It also seems to me like this can be done efficiently w/o having to 
maintain the separate index+title files, but I'm still trying to
decipher exactly how the recipe works.


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