[pmwiki-users] Core Version Numbers

Allister Jenks arj at zkarj.co.nz
Wed Feb 8 23:32:59 CST 2006

On 2/9/06, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 01:39:07PM +0000, Susan wrote:
> >
> > I recommend that version 2.1 be skipped and go right to 2.2 .
> It's an excellent point, but we took the same numbering approach with
> 2.0.betaXYZ <-> 2.0.x and (as far as I know) we didn't run into
> any real confusion.  I'll  have to think about it a bit more
> (opinions from others welcome).
Whilst the concept of 2.1beta1 and 2.1.1 is a little confusing in terms of
which comes first, the fact remains that they have two different and
distinct names.  If some people choose to refer to both as 2.1.1 then they
are doing everyone a dis-service and should be encouraged to stop doing so.

I'd hate to see a logical and established system changed because some people
choose to misrepresent it.  And let's not miss the point that the confusion
follows later so is surely not an excuse to misrepresent it now when there
is only the one side of the equation.

That's my 2c.

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