[pmwiki-users] formatting, indent & letter spacing

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Sat Feb 4 17:01:30 CST 2006

On Sat, Feb 04, 2006 at 11:41:04PM +0100, Stephan Schildberg wrote:
> First I'd like to use a predefined tag for indenting only the first line 
> of a block (until next return or \\ occurs)
> my desire looks like this:
>      sssssssssssss
> ssssssssssssssss
> ssssssssssssssss
> ssssssssssssssss

Try the following in your config.php:

    $WikiStyleCSS[] = 'text-indent';
    $WikiStyle['ind']['text-indent'] = '40px';
    $WikiStyle['ind']['apply'] = 'block';

Then in the markup you can do:

    %ind% here is some text that will have the first 
    line indented but the rest will be flush left.

See http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/Indent to see what this is

> The second tag being useful for my typo-reproductions should space 
> words, respectively phrases, like:
> hhhhhhh hhhhhhh hhh <spacing on>h h h h h h h h   h h    h h h<spacing off>
> Has pmwiki something similar on stock, I could not find it yet?

I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for in this second
example -- are you wanting something to insert a space between
each pair of characters...?


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